Provider Credentialing & Enrollment Services

Gather Information

Check the Information

Award the Provider with Credential

Our Services

Provider Credentialing & Enrollment

Rabs-RCM offers top-tier provider enrollment and credentialing services in Rochester, USA. Our services encompass enrolling in both commercial and government health plans, managing credentials, and facilitating re-credentialing as necessary. Additionally, we assist growing practices seeking to add new physicians to their group by ensuring their applications are filed appropriately with Payers for inclusion.

Our team of experts guides you through identifying the required credentials and enrollment prerequisites and facilitating and securing vital agreements with insurance companies. With our provider enrollment and credentialing services, we guarantee the accuracy and completeness of your information, ensuring your practice remains aligned with the reimbursement criteria set by insurance companies.

Our Credentialing & Enrollment Process Involves

Launching your practice and kickstarting revenue generation marks the initial milestone in your journey to success. Our dedicated credentialing team expedites your authorization process across all payers, from initial application assessment to meticulous maintenance of your data and CAQH profile.

Our streamlined medical credentialing process begins by collecting essential provider enrollment documents and seamlessly submitting them to insurance companies on your behalf. Here’s how we ensure a smooth and efficient process:

  1. Gather all necessary data and documents required for credentialing applications from physicians.
  2. Securely store documents centrally on our robust document management systems.
  3. Identify key payers for your practice’s claims and initiate communication with them.
  4. Apply payer-specific formats following a comprehensive audit.
  5. Conduct timely follow-ups with payers to monitor application status.
  6. Obtain enrollment numbers from payers and provide updates to physicians on application progress.
  7. Regularly update the document library to maintain compliance for credentialing purposes.

With our meticulous approach, we pave the way for your practice’s growth and success.


Gather, validate, categorize, and securely store documentation.

Payer Submission

Identify primary payers and submit applications using their specified formats.

Enrollment Confirmation

Follow up promptly on applications and secure enrollment confirmation.

Updates and Re-credentialing

Regularly update payer documents for re-credentialing purposes.

Our Provider Credentialing & Enrollment Services

If you’re a new provider or seeking re-credentialing with insurance companies, our medical credentialing services can simplify your provider enrollment process.


We conduct regular reviews and validations of credentialing status to ensure timely re-credentialing, sparing you from insurance denials.


Our services for provider enrollment and credentialing assist you in obtaining vital certifications, accreditations, and licenses necessary for successful insurance enrollment.

Electronic Transaction Enrollment

Rabs-RCM ensures your authorization with all eligible payers, enabling seamless EDI, ERA, and EFT transactions without hassle.

IPA Enrollment

Our credentialing consultants make sure to enrol you with insurance providers through Integrated Provider Associations (IPA) on tight-knit panels.

Contract Renegotiation

We negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf to increase your contracted rates and improve reimbursement for your practice.


Rabs-RCM accreditation services empower your practice to attain formal recognition and affiliation, minimizing enrollment holds with insurance agencies.

Why Choose Rabs-RCM As Your Medical Credentialing Outsource?

Enrolling in medical billing networks can be complicated and confusing, requiring expert guidance. Credentialing and contract maintenance are essential investments for any medical practice. They are the first steps on the path to financial success or failure. Rabs-RCM is a trusted provider enrollment partner committed to delivering timely and efficient services. We provide the expertise necessary to align with your business objectives, helping you secure and maintain network participation and claim reimbursement. 

Maintaining payer contracts can be a significant roadblock for healthcare providers, and the burden has only increased over time. The enrollment process is further complicated by the insurance industry’s global spread and the use of Internet technology. Only experts with the necessary knowledge and skills can handle these complexities correctly. At Rabs-RCM, we create, stabilize, and maintain your desired payer contract status mix for as long as you need to remain in the network. We can also help you with the process if you decide to leave.

You must rely on someone else for provider credentialing and contracting. Contact Rabs-RCM today to stay on track and achieve the best results.

Versatile Services

Our integrated suite of software is adaptive to all specialities as our knowledgeable team has a perfect set of skills to deal with any task.

Turnaround Time

We ensure complete accuracy, quality and provide our customers with results well within turn-around time.

Productivity oriented

We at Rabs RCM tend to focus on increasing productivity. We use practice management and revenue cycle to increase productivity.

Supportive Staff

Our customer service team is more than happy to assist you at any time.

Protecting Privacy

We provide a foolproof security system to keep all your information safe and sound.

All in One

The support we provide at Rabs-rcm covers all aspects of the process.

Succeed with Rabs RCM

Frequently Asked Questions

Our team will coordinate with you on a weekly/monthly basis to share the progress reports of your practice. Besides, you will also be notified on a daily basis.

No, there is absolutely no hidden cost of any kind associated with any of our plans. You’ll only be billed in accordance with your package.

RABS RCM utilizes one of the best scanning technologies and can accept billing data on paper or electronically.

We employ cutting edge electronic documentation. Our system is foolproof and guarantees security.

For sure ! Our experienced and capable staff will automatically review and resubmit in accordance with the need.

Our team will carry out check in calls on a regular basis in the beginning. Once we have a direction we can communicate once it is necessary.

Yes, we have extensive experience of offering billing on any medical specialities. 

It is actually a time saving way as compared to using paper. We offer commendable services that are faster ways of doing things.

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